Interim Director of Virginia Tech's Cook Counseling Center, Ellie Sturgis, wants to let Hokies know we're here to support them.
The Virginia Tech community – and, indeed, the world – is facing a challenge of unimaginable magnitude. In true Hokie fashion, we are rising to meet circumstances that require knowledge, commitment, and grit.
A new well-being website, aimed at equipping you with information, resources, and options, has been launched that will help you see the possibilities in this situation. With material that covers everything from how to stay healthy, how to stay fit, how to fight anxiety, how to remain connected, and who to contact when you need help, the site will give you ideas on what you CAN do to fight COVID-19 – not just what you CAN’T do during this world-wide pandemic.
Take some time to familiarize yourself with the site at In the coming weeks, we will be adding new material, so check back often. Step up and do your part to make the most of a situation none of us chose. You can do this. We’re here to help.