This webinar is part of the Virginia Master Naturalist Continuing Education series.
Description: Many activities that Virginia Master Naturalists do may require them to have or work under someone who has a permit for collecting or exhibiting wildlife and wildlife artifacts. Sampling macroinvertebrates in a stream, conducting a BioBlitz for herpetofauna, or having an educational booth with skulls and pelts are all examples of activities that may require a permit. The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
enforces the laws, regulations, and guidelines governing the collection, holding, exhibiting, and release of wildlife by issuing permits and guidelines for these activities. This continuing education webinar will review who needs a permit and when, the various types of permits, and the requirements associated with them.
Presenter: Randy Francis is the Wildlife Permits
Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. He has law enforcement experience on the Federal, State and local levels. During his 38 year career, he has served as an investigator for four Virginia state agencies, the United States Navy, and local law enforcement agencies.
This webinar was presented on 26 April 2017.