On Saturday, October 29, 2022, Virginia Tech hosted its first Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and College Fair in collaboration with Alfred Street Baptist Church at George Washington Middle Schools in Alexandria, Virginia. Over 200 K-12 students and parents were introduced to Virginia Tech as a destination to pursue their postsecondary goals. The event featured a college information session for parents, hands-on STEM sessions for K-12 students, a college and career fair, and a K-16 student panel with K-12 students highlighting their Center for the Enhancement in Engineering and Diversity (CEED) pre-college program experiences and Virginia Teach undergraduate students sharing their college experiences, lessons learned, and tips for success as current students pursuing STEM degrees.
The collaborative efforts among Virginia Tech Innovation Campus, the College of Engineering, the Center for the Enhancement in Engineering and Diversity (CEED), the College Access Collaboratives, the College of Science, and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences made this event a reality with the huge support of 31 Virginia Tech undergraduate students from the Galileo/Hypatia, Ujima and Orion Living and Learning, and 15 exhibitors including Alexandria City Transit DASH Electrification Fleet, Inova Partnerships for Healthier Communities, Betabox Mobile Lab from North Carolina, Capital Youth Empowerment Programs, Go Pursue, and Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.
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