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10 item(s) foundOctober 20th, 2021February 16th, 2021April 15th, 2020January 27th, 2022December 21st, 2020August 1st, 2019October 20th, 2021January 26th, 2021October 21st, 2021
Good news about enrollment and retention in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
recruitment in the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
Coffee with the Dean: Nikki Giovanni
In the episode of Coffee with the Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences' Dean Laura Belmonte
Reiss Gidner - College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences 2020 Outstanding Senior
Profile of Reiss Gidner, 2020 Oustanding Senior for the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.
What do the humanities mean to you?
in the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences weigh in on the power of the humanities
Commencement Message from Dean Laura Belmonte
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Dean Laura Belmonte delivers congratulatory remarks to the
Dean Laura Belmonte's first day at Virginia Tech
Dean Laura Belmonte of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, spends her first day walking around
Our stories
How the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences is in service to humanity through the
A Crisis of Democracy
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and a professor of political science;Brandy Faulkner, Gloria
Understanding Food Culture Helps Us Understand Humanity
Arts and Human Sciences, discusses this new program during the 2021 State of the College presentation