Search for tag: "aerospace and ocean engineering"
Integrating research projects and undergraduate education at the wind tunnelThe College of Engineering’s Stability Wind Tunnel has served as a teaching and research facility for decades. In addition to government-sponsored research and industrial testing for aircraft…
From Raymond Meese
999 plays
Researching sand ingestion within jet enginesGraduate students Thomas Coulon and Addison Collins are accelerating sand through a jet, into a probe, to study the ingestion of sand within jet engines. Though they're in the early stages of…
From Raymond Meese
608 plays
TurboLab team is developing laser-based diagnosticsGraduate student Sean Powers, Research Scientist Gwi Bo Byun and a team at Virginia Tech’s TurboLab have designed and built a custom inlet (air intake) to be mounted onto the front of a…
From Raymond Meese
575 plays