Search for tag: "assistive technology"
BME major Julia Wakefield found her passion through service and helping others.Julia Wakefield, a Biomedical Engineering major in the Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics department found purpose in service and working with the local community. ENABLE, a club at Virginia Tech…
From Spencer Roberts
296 plays
HokieTalks: Assistive technology for farmers with mobility limitationsAlexander Leonessa, Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering, presented during the 2019 HokieTalks. Watch his talk, "Assistive technology for farmers with mobility…
From Dan Mirolli
60 plays
Researchers design software, creating robots to help humansVirginia Tech researchers in the Hybrid Dynamic Systems and Robot Locomotion design software for different gaits of legged robots, allowing the machines to assist people with disabilities to walk and…
From Dawn Jefferies
9,633 plays
Virginia Tech students engineer device to help alumna thriveA Virginia Tech couple returns to campus, twenty years after receiving their graduate degrees, to share the power of the Ut Prosim (That I May Serve.)
From Dawn Jefferies
469 plays
Harvesting watermelons with agBOTA student-lead team designed the agBOT watermelon harvester to help aging farmers. The machine can autonomously identify and harvest ripe watermelons. A passive slapper mechanism thumps the…
From J. Scott Parker
188 plays