Search for tag: "brain-research"

Brain School 2023 at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute

An annual Brain Awareness Week campaign hosted by the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC that included brain-healthy foods, hands-on exploration, and short seminars by Virginia Tech brain…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 231 plays

Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC partners with Thermo Fisher Scientific, bringing state-of-the-art imaging equipment to Roanoke lab

The Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC’s Fox Laboratory recently received a brand new scanning electron microscope, allowing for unprecedented visualization of cellular architecture…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 143 plays

Step Inside the New Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC Expansion in Roanoke

We welcome you to take a virtual tour through the new Fralin Biomedical Research Institute expansion. Michael Friedlander, Ph.D., Virginia Tech’s vice president for health sciences and…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 969 plays

Scientists discover cellular structure of poorly understood visual brain region

The brain’s ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (vLGN) receives signals from the eye, but it is not associated with classical image-forming. For decades little was known about this brain…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 413 plays

Fralin Biomedical Research Institute expansion melds world-class research and sustainable architecture

From its meadow garden green roof to its underground rainwater cistern, the new research expansion located at 4 Riverside Circle in Roanoke is a model for smart green design. The building is…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 566 plays

Fralin Biomedical Research Institute expansion building moving forward

Take a peek inside the new VTC Biomedical Research Addition, a 139,000-square-foot building slated for a grand opening in fall 2020 at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute in Roanoke. The…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 517 plays

New faculty member links nature, nurture, and early brain development

Brittany Howell, assistant professor at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, studies how maternal characteristics and behavior impact brain development in infants. Howell will start…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 65 plays

Welcome to the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute

Virginia Tech’s Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC is an exciting place to research, train, and work. Established in 2010, the research institute is doubling in size and is actively…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 1,493 plays