Search for tag: "conference"
How to make sourdough crumpetsScott Watson, executive chef at The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center, teaches you how to repurpose your sourdough starter discard to make delicious crumpets.
From Rich Mathieson
492 plays
ComSciCon 2020ComSciCon is a communicating science conference for Grad students.
From Dan Mirolli
180 plays
Annual Uplifting Black Men Conference offers community and empowermentOn February 15th, 2020, the 5th Annual Uplifting Black Men Conference was hosted by Virginia Tech's Student Success Center and Black Male Excellence Network (BMEN), whose mission is to empower…
From Megan Zalecki
246 plays
2019 Vet Med Alumni Reunion Weekend and Continuing Education ConferenceOn Aug. 16-17, 2019, the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech held a continuing education conference and reunion for all alumni, with special focus on the DVM classes of…
From Juliet Crichton
121 plays
Michele Deramo plans events on top of day-to-day responsibilities for the Office for Inclusion and DiversityMichele Deramo, assistant provost for diversity education, talks about her daily duties to teach and train people and how they fall right in line with planning events that have a takeaway, like the…
From Olivia Coleman
183 plays
Virginia Tech hosts 7th Annual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National ConferenceWomen of color faculty, university administrators, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduates attended the two-day FWCA conference.
From Olivia Coleman
498 plays
Women and gender in development conference brings nearly 200 international researchers, practitioners to Virginia TechStudents, faculty, and practitioners from around the world gathered at Virginia Tech during National Women's month to discuss current, critical issues on gender research in international…
From April Raphiou
223 plays