Search for tag: "division of information technology"

Arduino Maker Workshop

Virginia Tech's Division of Information Technology hosted 4-H high school students for a workshop to program and build a 'sibling detector alarm' using Arduino, an open-source…

From  Erin Williams 0 likes 166 plays - A free resource for Virginia Tech faculty, staff, and students.

As a part of LinkedIn, offers opportunities to complement a flipped classroom, develop professionally and supplement learning in the classroom – whatever the goal, has…

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From  Holli Drewry 3 likes 468 plays

TLOS Sandbox Story: Think-A-Sketch

Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies worked with Akshay Sharma, chair of the industrial design program in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies, to test a new artificial…

From  Holli Drewry 0 likes 217 plays