Search for tag: "folks"

VT Drone Research Takes on the Looming Competition for Airspace

The Department of Transportation predicts a dramatic increase in the number of drones to be used across the country in the coming years. Drones will compete for airspace with helicopters, airplanes…

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From  Leland Shelton 0 likes 40 plays

Conservation incentives for farmers

This presentation on conservation incentives for farmers focuses on the economics of soil conservation and the federal incentives for farm conservation. Presented by Dr. Maria Bowman, USDA Economic…

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From  John Bovay 0 likes 26 plays

Direct marketing to consumers through farmers' markets and other channels

The tenth in a series of 20 webinars in the Virginia Sustainable Farms and Agribusiness Education Initiative. Presented by Dr. Zoë Plakias, Assistant Professor, Agricultural, Environmental,…

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From  John Bovay 0 likes 50 plays

Quiz 3 Help Session (1026) 2/2

Quiz 3 133b 122b 123b 133a 132a 122a

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From  Kelly Robinson 0 likes 1,007 plays

AG Expo 2020 Trent Jones

Virginia Cooperative Extension Agent Trent Jones talks he shares the knowledge that specialists create and shares that with producers. Jones said the personal relationships that Extension has are…

From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 94 plays