Search for tag: "pandemic"
Future of Work PilotAt the start of the fall 2021 semester, Human Resources launched a full-year Future of Work pilot that included participants from Advancement, the College of Engineering, Information Technology, the…
From Sarah Myers
843 plays
The American Rescue Plan: Farms, Food, and FamiliesA special webinar on the American Rescue Plan and its implications for farms and agribusinesses, food security, and family financial health. Presented by Dr. John Bovay, Assistant Professor,…
From John Bovay
29 plays
COVID-19 in Context: A Deans’ Forum on Living with a Pandemic - March 15, 2021When COVID-19 transformed our world just a year ago, the fields of medicine, public health, and biomedical research all mobilized as part of the international crisis response. Yet those disciplines…
From Leslie S King
54 plays
Direct marketing to consumers through farmers' markets and other channelsThe tenth in a series of 20 webinars in the Virginia Sustainable Farms and Agribusiness Education Initiative. Presented by Dr. Zoë Plakias, Assistant Professor, Agricultural, Environmental,…
From John Bovay
50 plays
HokieTalks: Virginia Tech and COVID-19 Lessons from the pastJoin us for a virtual event where Virginia Tech experts will explore our community response to COVID-19. We'll explore travel during the pandemic, shared trauma and shared resilience, and…
From Dominique Benjamin
54 plays
Coffee with the Dean: Bill RothIn the inaugural episode of Coffee with the Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences' Dean Laura Belmonte chats with Bill Roth, legendary Voice of the Hokies and professor of practice in…
From Leslie S King
39 plays
Hokies find inspiration in promise to serveDedicated to our motto, Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) Hokies serve as a force for positive change in a world without boundaries.
From Dawn Jefferies
271 plays
Vice President Frank Shushok thanks donors to the Student Emergency FundVice President for Student Affairs Frank Shushok shares a thank you message with donors to the Student Emergency Fund.
From Megan Zalecki
304 plays
A History of the Spanish Flu PandemicProfessor Tom Ewing discusses the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, how it affected Virginia Polytechnic Institute's campus, and how it relates to the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
From Ryan Young
2,295 plays
Ag Policy & Market Outlook Forum (April 2, 2020)During this webinar, faculty and researchers from the Virginia Tech Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics discussed COVID-19 and its anticipated effects on trade and commodity markets; the…
From John Bovay
114 plays