Search for tag: "survey"

Customizing optimization - Capstone admin part 8

Instructions on modifying arguments for optimal team formation routine. The "Confident" skill rating has been removed since this video was made. Code repo…

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From  Jonathan Baker 0 likes 5 plays

Team formation - Capstone admin part 7

Demonstration of scripts to assist with team formation Code repo

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From  Jonathan Baker 0 likes 14 plays

Biomedical initiatives are boosted by strong public support, survey finds

Virginia residents want the commonwealth to be a leader in education and biomedical research — and they are willing to pay for it.In a statewide survey of more than 1,000 people released last…

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From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 110 plays

Opening Remarks, PSEP Status, Planning, and Reporting

Opening Remarks, PSEP Status, Planning, and Reportingby Dr. Daniel Frankfor PSEW 2020

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From  Jackie Brown 0 likes 134 plays