Search for tag: "welcome week"

Grab and Go Welcome Week Activities

As a part of Hokie Welcome Week grab and go activities, such as these coloring pages were made available to students.

From  Ryan Young 0 likes 44 plays

Frank Shushok outlines expectations for all students

Frank Shushok, vice president for student affairs, sets boundaries necessary for a successful fall semester.

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From  Dawn Jefferies 0 likes 3,241 plays

President Sands welcomes students back to campus

President Tim Sands welcomes students back to campus and encourages them to commit to public health guidelines.

From  Dawn Jefferies 0 likes 1,466 plays

Welcome Week event supports children in need

One of this year's Welcome Week Grab'n'Go events supported Project Linus, a non-profit organization that provides homemade blankets to children in need.

+6 More
From  Raymond Meese 0 likes 256 plays

Frank Shushok welcomes students to campus

Frank Shushok, vice president for student affairs, welcomes students to campus and urges community to embrace public health guidelines.

+6 More
From  Dawn Jefferies 1 likes 1,313 plays

Welcome Week 2018

Welcome Week at Virginia Tech is a series of events and Hokie traditions designed to welcome students back to campus and to continue preparing them for success in and out of the classroom.

From  Raymond Meese 0 likes 633 plays