DescriptionIn 2021, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality created a new
office of Environmental Justice (EJ) as part of a larger initiative in the agency to incorporate and support EJ efforts in Virginia. Join us for a conversation with representatives of the office to learn what environmental justice is and why it is important, what Virginia is doing related to EJ, and in what ways EJ is relevant to the activities of Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers.
PresenterJerome Brooks, DEQ Deputy Director of Environmental Justice
, began his career as an environmental field inspector in DEQ’s Tidewater Regional Office and has remained a valuable member of DEQ for 24 years. His responsibilities as environmental justice coordinator included regular collaboration with citizens, non-government organizations, non-profits, other state agencies and the EPA on environmental justice concerns. He brings a wealth of agency knowledge, experience and exposure to DEQ’s new environmental justice office.
Michelle Prysby, Director of the Virginia Master Naturalist program, served as the webinar host and moderator.
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