Search for tag: "benefits"

VTCSOM Match Day 2023

Congtrats on another successful Match Day! Yet again, our students have set the bar high with a Match that will take them to many prestigious residency programs around the country!

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From  Ryan Anderson 0 likes 1,021 plays

Future of Work Pilot

At the start of the fall 2021 semester, Human Resources launched a full-year Future of Work pilot that included participants from Advancement, the College of Engineering, Information Technology, the…

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From  Sarah Myers 0 likes 840 plays

Food insecurity and hunger in Virginia

This presentation on hunger and food security in Virginia includes discussion about how food security is defined, measurement of food security in Virginia, impacts of the pandemic on food security,…

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From  John Bovay 0 likes 72 plays

The American Rescue Plan: Farms, Food, and Families

A special webinar on the American Rescue Plan and its implications for farms and agribusinesses, food security, and family financial health. Presented by Dr. John Bovay, Assistant Professor,…

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From  John Bovay 0 likes 29 plays

Business goals and sustainability

Consumer demand for food grown using sustainable farm practices is at an all-time high. This is compelling farmers to explore various options to improve sustainability. This webinar provides an…

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From  John Bovay 0 likes 75 plays

Retirement Webinar

This webinar was hosted by Virginia Tech's Office of Planned Giving and led by financial planner Jim Pearman ’70. The event provided an overview of financial and non-financial issues…

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From  Dominique Benjamin 0 likes 86 plays