Search for tag: "environmental"
Research into bamboo shows a sustainable and natural raw building materialJonas Hauptman hopes to teach a new generation of students how to use raw natural materials, and turn these resources into something that has a more environmentally friendly impact. Hauptman, an…
From Lee Friesland
550 plays
Forestry students learn through hands-on experienceStudents in Carolyn Copenheaver's Forest Ecology and Silvics class are learning a measuring technique that allows them to determine the number of trees per acre. Additionally, students learn…
From Raymond Meese
506 plays
Outdoor labs provide hands-on learning for CNRE studentsAlumni Distinguished Professor John Seiler and his dendrology lab students will be roaming campus and nearby parks and forests as they learn to identify woody plants.
From Raymond Meese
835 plays
Ramps of AppalachiaPabitra Aryal, CALS Ph.D. candidate, along with advisor John Fike, and Jim Chamberlain of the U.S. Forest Service explore how ramps can be grown via agroforestry at the Catawba Sustainability Center.…
From Timothy Brinton Skiles
224 plays
Partnership will create a hub of innovation and economic developmentThe Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR) is partnering with the Virginia Tech School of Plant and Environmental Sciences and the Virginia Seafood Agricultural Research and Extension…
From Raymond Meese
321 plays
Outdoors provides safe environment for engineering labAfter COVID-19 prompted an abrupt migration to online instruction during the spring 2020 semester, Assistant Professor Kevin D. Young developed a plan for his CEE Measurements course that would allow…
From Raymond Meese
433 plays
Cherished oak tree provides a learning opportunityStudents from the College of Natural Resources and Environment met with University Arborist Jamie King and Geoff Manning of Manning Arboriculture to learn about the care that has been prescribed to…
From Raymond Meese
664 plays
Campus wastewater tested for COVID-19A team of Virginia Tech researchers is testing wastewater throughout campus for the presence of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2.)
From Dawn Jefferies
184 plays
Linsey Marr shares insight into aerosol scienceLinsey Marr, the Charles P. Lunsford Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, shares details of her ongoing research into the airborne transmission of infectious disease amid the pandemic.
From Dawn Jefferies
299 plays
Rethinking consumption habits to reduce food wasteSusan Chen, a second year Ph.D. student in the department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, studies food waste in hopes of finding ways to eliminate the negative environmental and economic…
From Ryan Young
103 plays
HokieTalks: Coastal Geotechnics - From sand castles to sea minesNina Stark with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the College of Engineering, gives her presentation "Coastal Geotechnics : From sand castles to sea mines."
From Lee Friesland
219 plays
Igniting a housing revolutionAfter years of research and development contributed by over 100 Virginia Tech students and faculty, the FutureHAUS Dubai team built what's now known as the world’s best solar home. But to…
From Erica Corder
1,262 plays
This is who you are. This is who we are. #VTCALSWe dig deeper, seek higher, reach farther than ever before ... not because we can, but because we must. We are the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
From Juliet Crichton
1,046 plays
Giving back to the Navajo NationNizhoni Tallas is pursuing a degree in environmental science at Virginia Tech, thanks in part to a Beyond Boundaries scholarship. Once she graduates, she wants to return to her Arizona community…
From Megan Zalecki
94 plays