Search for tag: "experience"

Commencement of Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine's DVM Program

The 41st Commencement of Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine's Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program held on Friday, May 10, 2024 in the Moss Arts Center's Anne and Ellen…

From  Andrew Mann 0 likes 321 plays

College of Engineering Outstanding Senior: Julia Riley

“My journey at Virginia Tech has been an incredibly fulfilling one, that continues to remind me that the unexpected parts of life can sometimes be the most rewarding” Julia Riley…

From  Dawson Bryant 0 likes 477 plays

Spencer Leach: Engineering crosswords

Spencer Leach is a mechanical engineering major with an unique skill: creating crossword puzzles. After trying and failing a few times, their puzzles have now been featured in the New York Times a…

From  Alex Parrish 0 likes 592 plays

Engineering major wins top prize as students shine in Giovanni-Steger Poetry Prize

The 2024 Giovanni-Steger Poetry Prize offered a dazzling array of poetic excellence, featuring original writings by students, faculty authors, and University Distinguished Professor Emerita Nikki…

From  Andrew Adkins 0 likes 362 plays

CRM Sensory Bike

The Cook Counseling Center has partnered with the College of Architecture, Arts, and Design's industrial design students to develop a sensory bike. Members of Cook Counseling will use the bike…

From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 51 plays

Community tunes in to learn about ‘The Craving Brain: Food and Drugs’ during Brain School

Nearly 200 people packed into the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC during Brain Awareness Week activities in March for exhibits, tours, talks, brain-healthy food and programming around…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 38 plays

Let's Go: Priyansi Patel

Priyansi shows us what it's like to be a student athletic trainer.

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 193 plays

Let's Go: Rob Gregg

Rob shares about his experiences with turfgrasses such as Kentucky Bluegrass.

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 68 plays

Let's Go: Patrick Bewick

Patrick gives us a glimpse of what's involved with harvesting soybeans at Kentland Farms.

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 90 plays

Let's Go: Noah Stallard

Join Noah as he volunteers to with Micah's Backpack to help combat food insecurity.

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 40 plays

Let's Go: Madison Powell

See how Madison Powell prepares to teach people of Senegal about food safety and preservation.

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 33 plays

Let's Go: Grayson Moyer

Tag along as Grayson Moyer takes care of the plants in the greenhouse as part of her TA duties.

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 45 plays

Let's Go CALS

Take a quick look at how CALS students are getting hand on experiences outside of the classroom. Let's go!

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 55 plays

ALCE Graduate Program Preview - Session #3

Zoom Recording ID: 84550150283 UUID: d96ME8slSqChsdkPgp6RGg== Meeting Time: 2023-10-27 12:55:38pmGMT

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From  Ginger Dempsey 0 likes 4 plays

ALCE Graduate Program Preview - Session #1

ALCE Graduate Program Preview - Session #1

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From  Ginger Dempsey 0 likes 1 plays

Hokies in the Heart of Politics: Virginia Tech students experience the Washington Semester

The School of Public and International Affairs offers students an opportunity to simultaneously intern and earn credits toward their degrees in the nation's capital.This video features three…

From  Andrew Adkins 0 likes 87 plays