Search for tag: "spes"

Let's Go: Patrick Bewick

Patrick gives us a glimpse of what's involved with harvesting soybeans at Kentland Farms.

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 89 plays

Fostering soil health in Senegal

Lydia Fitzgerald, a partnership conservation agronomist with the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, recently traveled to Senegal to assist Ozzie Abaye in research efforts on mung beans.…

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 226 plays

Virginia Tech and Purdue Turfgrass Research Collaboration

The Virginia Tech Turfgrass center has partnered with the Purdue as a sister site for research on limiting brown patch in tall fescue lawns. This partnership is fostered by two VT alumnae, Cale…

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 294 plays

Plant Sale Promo Video

Learn about the annual spring plant sale and the impact it has.

From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 1,048 plays

Jaclyn Fiola's Soil Research

Jaclyn Fiola discusses her soil research and how it will help the viticulture industry. She is the winner of the ASEV Presidents’ Award for Scholarship in Viticulture. Her scholarship has…

From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 147 plays