Search for tag: "geosciences"

Shifting to online instruction

A remote video session with Michelle Stocker,…

From  Dan Mirolli 0 likes 347 plays

Michelle Stocker - fossil day in the Department of Geosciences

Michelle Stocker's students explore the…

From  Teresa S DeCarmen 0 likes 83 plays

What's your science? - Jennifer Cyrnak

Jennifer Cyrnak ('93, '96) came to…

+6 More
From  Teresa S DeCarmen 0 likes 134 plays

Nanoparticles produced from burning coal may be toxic to humans

Virginia Tech scientists have discovered that…

From  Andrew Mann 0 likes 88 plays

What's your Science? - Shelly Worek

Shelly Worek talks about why she studies…

From  Teresa S DeCarmen 1 likes 408 plays

What's your science? - Amin Baghbadorani

Amin Abbasi Baghbadorani, a Ph.D. student in the…

From  Teresa S DeCarmen 0 likes 112 plays

HokieTalks: Tsunamis - Of sand and computers

Robert Weiss with the Department of Geosciences…

+4 More
From  Lee Friesland 0 likes 237 plays

Geosciences professor discovers 550 million-year-old fossil

Virginia Tech Professor of Geosciences Shuhai…

From  Dawn Jefferies 0 likes 699 plays

Virginia Tech paleontologist discovers new, miniature relative of Tyrannosaurus rex

Virginia Tech paleontologist Sterling Nesbitt…

From  Dawn Jefferies 0 likes 1,168 plays

Geosciences professor awaits data from Mars explorer

Virginia Tech professor Scott King with the…

From  Dawn Jefferies 2 likes 102 plays

Virginia Tech students uncover fossils, prepare for study

Virginia Tech students volunteer to clean fossils…

From  John Jackson 0 likes 47 plays