Search for tag: "interaction"

Fralin Biomedical Research Institute occupational therapists train colleagues, treat children in Morocco clinic

Kelsey Burke and Megan Price, occupational therapists in the Neuromotor Research Clinic at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, took a personal volunteer trip to Morocco with a…

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From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 100 plays

Quiz 3 Help Session (1026) 2/2

Quiz 3 133b 122b 123b 133a 132a 122a

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From  Kelly Robinson 0 likes 1,007 plays

Engineering students show ‘magical powers’ in virtual reality

It looks like something out of a movie but Virginia Tech researchers demonstrate how magical powers inspired by popular culture can happen in virtual reality. Doug A. Bowman, the Frank J. Maher…

From  Dawn Jefferies 2 likes 876 plays