Search for tag: "sciences"

Happy Thanksgiving from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Robert Mills, Jr. ('94) talks about the impact of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences on his life and the commonwealth of Virginia.

From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 80 plays

Reimagining Saint Paul's College

About 200 miles from their offices and classrooms in Blacksburg, Virginia Tech faculty, researchers, and students are working with a group of St. Paul’s College alumni and Brunswick County…

From  Diane Deffenbaugh 0 likes 872 plays

Let's Go: Michael Marciano

Michael Marciano, a senior in the School of Animal Sciences, shows us how to hand forge a horse shoe.

From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 23 plays

A Writer's Tale — The English Podcast

Soon-to-be M.F.A. student and graduating senior creative writing major, Grace Hamilton Turner, sat down with Department of English Words & Pictures correspondent Christeana Williams to talk…

From  Leslie S King 0 likes 156 plays

Researching how detection dogs can combat invasive species and plant disease

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect plaguing plants, especially grapes, across the globe. Faculty at the Alson H. Smith Jr. Agricultural Research and Extension Center are researching how…

From  Luke Hayes 0 likes 748 plays

Virginia Tech hosts its first STEM and College Fair in Alexandria, Virginia

On Saturday, October 29, 2022, Virginia Tech hosted its first Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and College Fair in collaboration with Alfred Street Baptist Church at George…

From  William McKenzie 0 likes 388 plays

Sesquicentennial HokieTalk: Creating a Home for All at Virginia Tech

This HokieTalk will feature faculty who are helping create a home for all at Virginia Tech.

From  Dominique Benjamin 0 likes 20 plays

What's in the Backpack?

As you climb up the stairs to the Upper Quad on the Blacksburg campus, you will come upon William Addison Caldwell, or rather Lawrence Bechtel’s sculpture of him. As you move past this bronze…

From  Leslie S King 0 likes 1,251 plays

The Truth About Advisors

What compels a person to become an academic advisor? During the 2022 Global Advising Week, the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences asked five of its advisors to weigh in on this…

From  Leslie S King 1 likes 497 plays

Health Sciences and Technology campus: Thriving in the spirit of Ut Prosim

The Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC and the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine both opened in 2010, continuing the university’s 150-year legacy of service while transforming…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 485 plays

#VTGivingDay - Seale Innovation Fund at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute

The first seven Virginia Tech research teams each to receive one-year, $75,000 Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC Seale Innovation Fund awards have been selected. The awarded pilot projects…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 67 plays

Time for Dr. Becca's Wordplay

The time has come to enter Dr. Becca's Wordplay, a special Giving Day game. The infamous professor will give you three words. Choose one or more to define and fill out the official entry form…

From  Leslie S King 0 likes 157 plays

Dr. Becca's WORDPLAY

Get ready to play Dr. Becca's WORDPLAY, a game of defying definitions, where creativity outweighs reality. See what's in store for the Virginia Tech Department of English's newest…

From  Leslie S King 0 likes 109 plays

What do the humanities mean to you?

The humanities have many different meanings. To help capture the nuances of the humanities and all they encompass, several faculty members and students in the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts…

From  Leslie S King 2 likes 456 plays

Fallacies of Freedom: the John D. Wilson Essay Contest winner shares her work

Madeline Eberhart, a junior majoring in English, found inspiration in Frederick Douglass' autobiography. For a class assignment, she did a rhetorical analysis of his writing. Karen Swenson, the…

From  Leslie S King 0 likes 256 plays

The Importance of Being the Deanasaurus

When Laura Belmonte became the dean of the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, she knew her new role would lead her in many new directions. In an iconic moment, her staff…

From  Leslie S King 0 likes 175 plays