Search for tag: "street"

Hokies in the Hot Seat - Episode 3

Episode 3 features Georgia Amoore of the Virginia Tech Women's Basketball team and Computer Engineering student, Kevin Lizarazu-Ampuero. Hokies in the Hot Seat takes a deeper dive into what it…

From  William McKenzie 0 likes 1,243 plays

Virginia Tech hosts its first STEM and College Fair in Alexandria, Virginia

On Saturday, October 29, 2022, Virginia Tech hosted its first Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and College Fair in collaboration with Alfred Street Baptist Church at George…

From  William McKenzie 0 likes 390 plays

Virginia Tech's StREAM Lab is restoring Blacksburg's unknown creek.

The Virginia Tech Stream Research, Education and Management (StREAM) Lab is a unique, world-class research center focused on understanding the interactions of natural and human systems. Since…

From  Spencer Roberts 0 likes 1,008 plays

2019 International Street Fair

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to experience 40 countries in one day? The 60th Annual International Street Fair, hosted by Cranwell International Center, gives you a chance to do just…

From  Megan Zalecki 1 likes 606 plays

International Street Fair 2018

An annual event at Virginia Tech, the International Street Fair shares customs and traditions of international students through food, performances, games, and interactive presentations.

From  Megan Zalecki 0 likes 62 plays