Search for tag: "table"

Module 48_Payroll Earnings.mp4

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From  Shelley Seckers 0 likes 37 plays

Module 55_ Funding Uses (4)

00:00 Introductions 00:47 Create a use mapping and generate a table 02:42 VLOOKUP function with the Formula Wizard 04:46 Working with errors using the IFERROR function

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From  Shelley Seckers 0 likes 41 plays

Module 55_ Funding Uses (2)

00:00 Introduction 00:25 Insert a pivot and copy paste values 01:15 Sort data and sequence 01:01 Replace the amount values divided by 1,000 02:40 Review of the steps - Check your work

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From  Shelley Seckers 0 likes 50 plays

Module 54_Making Spreadsheets Presentable (2)

00:00 Introduction 00:12 Creating a pie chart 01:30 Sort descending 02:33 Double-time review 02:55 Insert and modify the pie chart 06:08 Print preview and page setup

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From  Shelley Seckers 0 likes 65 plays

Query User Group Meeting 9.5.2023

Zoom Recording ID: 3736581453 UUID: iuD1CnRVROGGI8qhdO9q8Q== Meeting Time: 2023-09-05 04:53:57pmGMT

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From  Kathy Chaney 0 likes 2 plays

Writing Poetry March 2, 2023

Where do we turn when we need words to express the inexpressible—joy at a birth, sorrow at a terrible loss? Where do we turn to mark momentous occasions or to whisper to ourselves our most…

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From  Leland Shelton 0 likes 5 plays

Cancer Research Alliance forges new collaborations, strengthens research programs at inaugural retreat

More than 100 cancer researchers from across Virginia Tech met at the first Cancer Research Alliance retreat hosted by the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC on March 18.

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From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 230 plays

2020 GAP Report Launch Trailer

Virginia Tech Executive Vice President and Provost Cyril Clarke appears in a new film tied to the annual release of the Global Agricultural Productivity Report. He discusses the linkages between…

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From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 116 plays

Anatomage Table gives students a detailed view of physiology

This new visual dissection table will allow students in the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise to achieve advanced knowledge of anatomy. This will make them more successful in their…

From  J. Scott Parker 1 likes 269 plays