Search for tag: "undergrad"
Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Senior 2024: Spencer MacturkSpencer Macturk has used his time at Virginia Tech to spend time both in the classroom and in industry co-ops and internships. As he graduates, he's headed to SpaceX to scale up the work…
From Alex Parrish
205 plays
Virginia Tech's StREAM Lab is restoring Blacksburg's unknown creek.The Virginia Tech Stream Research, Education and Management (StREAM) Lab is a unique, world-class research center focused on understanding the interactions of natural and human systems. Since…
From Spencer Roberts
1,033 plays
Undergraduate Scientist Awarded National Institute of Mental Health Research SupplementNiesha Savory, an undergraduate student at Virginia Tech working in the Farris Lab at the Fralin Biomedical Research at VTC, was recently awarded a Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in…
From Clayton Metz
335 plays