Search for tag: "union"
Sampler March 21 , 2023The American Civil War From a Postal Perspective When the southern states seceded from the Union in 1861, there was a need to continue postal service in the South. The Confederacy duplicated the…
From Leland Shelton
13 plays
Sampler March 14 , 2023Frederick Douglass: An American Icon Shortly after his escape from slavery, Frederick Douglass connected with the abolitionist movement, becoming one of its most important leaders, writers, and…
From Leland Shelton
24 plays
Armchair Journeys February 20, 2023The Silk Road, with David Pearce Travel along parts of the 2000-year-old trade routes that go from Asia to Europe through Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and the Republic of…
From Leland Shelton
33 plays
HokieBird heads to D.C. on business, runs into fellow HokiesHokieBird went up to Washington, D.C. this week on a business trip and was greeted by maroon and orange when riding the Metro. Throughout D.C.’s Union Station, dozens of Virginia Tech ads are…
From Olivia Coleman
1,502 plays