Search for tag: "vtti"
RISE Lecture Series: The Importance of Technology and Innovation in Transportation and Its Impacts on CommunitiesThis video is part of the Division of Scholarly Integrity and Research Compliance’s Research Integrity and Scholarly Excellence (RISE) Lecture Series. The goals of RISE lecture series are…
From Jill O'Quin
8 plays
VTTI partners with Commonwealth Cyber Initiative to host technology showcaseIn an effort to foster collaborative efforts the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) Southwest Virginia Node hosted a technology showcase in partnership with the Virginia Tech Transportation…
From Lee Friesland
582 plays
Ariel Badger- 2022 VTCSOM Research ProjectAriel Badger, a fourth-year student at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, wanted to answer a question that is on the mind of most patients after orthopaedic surgery: “When can I…
From Ryan Anderson
350 plays
E-scooters return to Virginia Tech providing opportunities for research, alternative transportationE-scooters will soon reappear on Virginia Tech’s Blacksburg campus as a continuation of a naturalistic driving study led by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute and Ford-owned…
From Meghan Marsh
707 plays