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Module 55_ Funding Uses (4)

00:00 Introductions 00:47 Create a use mapping and generate a table 02:42 VLOOKUP function with the Formula Wizard 04:46 Working with errors using the IFERROR function

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From  Shelley Seckers 0 likes 41 plays

Module 55_ Funding Uses (1)

00:00 Introduction 00:48 Copy, edit, save and run a report in MicroStrategy 01:38 Export to Excel 02:15 Create a uses mapping

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From  Shelley Seckers 0 likes 66 plays

Youtube Download Tutorial

How to download videos YOU own from your YouTube account.

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From  Jeff Phillips 0 likes 25 plays

Google - Sharing to another Account

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From  Jeff Phillips 0 likes 11 plays

Google - Setting up Partner Sharing for Google Photos

Sharing your Google Photos with a partner (Your personal non-VT Account)

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From  Jeff Phillips 0 likes 22 plays

Google - Delete all Google Photos

Delete all your Google Photos

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From  Jeff Phillips 0 likes 18 plays

Google - Copy Partners' Photos

Copying your VT Google Photos to your personal Google Account

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From  Jeff Phillips 0 likes 14 plays

Creating and Managing Secure Passwords

Where computers are concerned, “security is a back and forth between bad actors and defenders,” according to Jeff Lang, Director of Cyber Defense Operations at Virginia Tech. Jeff and…

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From  Leland Shelton 0 likes 10 plays