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Module 54_Making Spreadsheets Presentable (2)

00:00 Introduction 00:12 Creating a pie chart 01:30 Sort descending 02:33 Double-time review 02:55 Insert and modify the pie chart 06:08 Print preview and page setup

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From  Shelley Seckers 0 likes 65 plays

Government and private third-party quality labels

The eleventh in a series of 20 webinars in the Virginia Sustainable Farms and Agribusiness Education Initiative. Presented by Dr. John Bovay, Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Applied…

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From  John Bovay 0 likes 20 plays

Non-GMO, GMO, and bioengineered food labeling requirements

The seventh in a series of 20 webinars in the Virginia Sustainable Farms and Agribusiness Education Initiative. Presented by Dr. John Bovay, Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics,…

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From  John Bovay 0 likes 32 plays