00:14duration 14 seconds
Student Google Transition
01:49duration 1 minute 49 seconds
Google - Manually Download Photos
00:47duration 47 seconds
Google - Addon for Drive instead of Photos Takeout
01:48duration 1 minute 48 seconds
Google - Takeout for YouTube
03:05duration 3 minutes 5 seconds
Google - Takeout Photo Instructions
01:46duration 1 minute 46 seconds
Google - Setting up Partner Sharing for Google…
Google - Setting up Partner Sharing for Google Photos
Sharing your Google Photos with a partner (Your personal non-VT Account)
01:00duration 1 minute 0 seconds
Google - Delete all Google Photos
Delete all your Google Photos
01:21duration 1 minute 21 seconds
Google - Copy Partners' Photos
Copying your VT Google Photos to your personal Google Account
04:04duration 4 minutes 4 seconds
Virginia Tech group investing in Tanzania’s…
Virginia Tech group investing in Tanzania’s future
In 2016, a safari adventure among family and friends led to a group of Virginia Tech faculty, students, and alumni starting a nonprofit organization to build a school in Tanzania. Today, the Maasai…