Search for tag: "reynolds homestead"

Professor helping Clemson uncover its legacy of slavery collaborates with similar efforts at Virginia Tech

Rhondda R. Thomas, a literature professor and the driving force behind Clemson University's Call My Name research project, recently visited historic Virginia Tech sites that are working to…

From  Diane Deffenbaugh 0 likes 381 plays

Slavery at Rock Spring Plantation

Research historian John Whitfield discusses the lives of the enslaved community at the former Rock Spring Plantation in Patrick County, now known as the Reynolds Homestead.

From  Diane Deffenbaugh 2 likes 1,066 plays

Outreach and International Affairs

Outreach and International Affairs fulfills the university’s global land-grant mission by building cross-sectoral partnerships, providing professional development programs, developing community…

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From  Erin Williams 0 likes 76 plays

Virginia Tech helps bring bluegrass music to a new generation

At the Reynolds Homestead in Patrick County, Virginia Tech helps bring bluegrass music to a new generation via a concert series.

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From  Andrea Brunais 1 likes 293 plays

Reynolds Homestead brings together creative and business minds for community projects

Community members come together to share different life experiences to benefit the community.

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From  Diane Deffenbaugh 0 likes 192 plays