Search for tag: "agriculture"
Happy Thanksgiving from the College of Agriculture and Life SciencesRobert Mills, Jr. ('94) talks about the impact of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences on his life and the commonwealth of Virginia.
From Timothy Brinton Skiles
83 plays
Virginia Tech hosts its first STEM and College Fair in Alexandria, VirginiaOn Saturday, October 29, 2022, Virginia Tech hosted its first Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and College Fair in collaboration with Alfred Street Baptist Church at George…
From William McKenzie
408 plays
The Little Lab with Big Impact on the Virginia Wine IndustryEvery fall, a small lab on the outer edge of Virginia Tech's campus prepares and ships out hundreds of harvest kits to winemakers around the state and beyond to collect grape juice which will…
From Christina Franusich
493 plays
Bioplastic development means new way of sustainability on farmsCALS assistant professor Dr. Rebecca Cockrum, and graduate student Hailey Galyon are working to develop a bioplastic from bacteria in order to replace single-use plastics on farms.
From Lee Friesland
632 plays
Pamela Northam, First Lady of Virginia, visits Kentland Farm during Virginia Ag WeekPamela Northam, Virginia First Lady, visits Kentland Farms to learn about new research and technologies being developed by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech. Mrs. Northam…
From Timothy Brinton Skiles
359 plays
Sustaining Agriculture in the presence of Farm Labor UncertaintyThis presentation on Sustaining Agriculture in the presence of Farm Labor Uncertainty delves into the data on the farm labor supply and how the pandemic has affected demand for and supply of farm…
From John Bovay
28 plays
CALS 2021 Outstanding Senior Caitlin BowmanHands-on experience is how Caitlin Bowman defines her time at Virginia Tech and in the Department Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise. It also helped in the drive that led her to become this…
From Timothy Brinton Skiles
261 plays
Fightin' Hokies LagerBrewed in collaboration between Virginia Tech’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, one of the top programs of its kind nationwide, and the international award-winning Hardywood Park…
From Timothy Brinton Skiles
503 plays
Brewing Class Offers Hands On Experience While Adapting To COVID 19 ProtocolsStudents in the Applied Malting and Brewing class get an all-encompassing look at the application of their Food Science and Technology majors during this hands-on class while adopting several new…
From Ryan Young
451 plays
Partnership will create a hub of innovation and economic developmentThe Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR) is partnering with the Virginia Tech School of Plant and Environmental Sciences and the Virginia Seafood Agricultural Research and Extension…
From Raymond Meese
324 plays
One Giant Leap For Plant-kind: VT Soil Judging Team Grows Vegetables In Lunar SoilMembers of the VT Soil Judging team participate in a NASA crowdsource project to experiment with different techniques for growing plants in lunar soil; a process that will be important for potential…
From Ryan Young
301 plays
Walk the "Link to Education About Forests" Trail at Reynolds HomesteadReynolds Homestead's LEAF Trail is a heritage-based outdoor classroom.
From Emily Maher
56 plays
Business FinancingThis presentation on business financing focuses on alternative sources of business financing for farms and agribusinesses. Presented by Dr. Jennifer Ifft, Associate Professor of Agricultural…
From John Bovay
10 plays
COVID-19 in Context: A Deans’ Forum on Living with a Pandemic - March 15, 2021When COVID-19 transformed our world just a year ago, the fields of medicine, public health, and biomedical research all mobilized as part of the international crisis response. Yet those disciplines…
From Leslie S King
54 plays