Search for tag: "ag expo"
AG Expo 2020 David and LindseyVirginia Cooperative Extension Specialist David Holshouser talks about how his research on soybeans helps producers boost yields and increase profits. When Ag Expo was canceled due to COVID in 2020,…
From Timothy Brinton Skiles
119 plays
AG Expo 2020 Trent JonesVirginia Cooperative Extension Agent Trent Jones talks he shares the knowledge that specialists create and shares that with producers. Jones said the personal relationships that Extension has are…
From Timothy Brinton Skiles
99 plays
Ag Expo 2020 Wade ThomasonVirginia Cooperative Extension Specialist Wade Thomason’s research in Blacksburg and across the commonwealth on corn is one way that Extension helps grow the state’s number one private…
From Timothy Brinton Skiles
119 plays
AG Expo 2020 Michael DowningMichael Downing, owner Bleak House Farm — the site where Ag Expo was scheduled to be held this year — talks about how Virginia Cooperative Extension helps him succeed. When Ag Expo was…
From Timothy Brinton Skiles
193 plays