Search for tag: "fish and wildlife conservation"

Propagating mussel power to purify Virginia's freshwater

The Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center at Virginia Tech is a cooperative research and propagation facility to restore and recover endangered freshwater mollusks in Virginia and adjacent states.

From  Raymond Meese 0 likes 1,015 plays

Hutton Program brings budding marine biologists to campus

The Hutton Program, a pilot program partnering with the College of Natural Resources and Environment and the American Fisheries Society, is enlightening high-school students about career…

From  Raymond Meese 0 likes 711 plays

An amazing ecosystem engineer in Southwest Virginia

Faculty and students from the College of Natural Resources and Environment are gaining a better understanding of the bluehead chub and uncovering their secrets just may be the key to conservation…

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From  Raymond Meese 0 likes 578 plays

HokieTalks: Sea levels are rising - Solutions for watermen and waterbirds

Sarah Karpanty with the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation in the College of Natural Resources and Environment, gives her presentation "Sea levels are rising: solutions for watermen…

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From  Lee Friesland 2 likes 198 plays

Zoo CREW learns from Virginia Tech wildlife experts

Faculty members and students from the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation lead an immersive learning experience for the Zoo CREW, a group of high school students who volunteer at the…

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From  J. Scott Parker 0 likes 292 plays

Helping others, while pursuing a dream

Chanz Hopkins, a fish conservation major in Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment, has reinvented himself and will graduate this year, 17 years after graduating from…

From  Megan Zalecki 0 likes 110 plays