Search for tag: "fish and wildlife conservation"

Propagating mussel power to purify Virginia's freshwater

The Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center at…

From  Raymond Meese 0 likes 1,017 plays

Hutton Program brings budding marine biologists to campus

The Hutton Program, a pilot program partnering…

From  Raymond Meese 0 likes 715 plays

An amazing ecosystem engineer in Southwest Virginia

Faculty and students from the College of Natural…

+9 More
From  Raymond Meese 0 likes 578 plays

HokieTalks: Sea levels are rising - Solutions for watermen and waterbirds

Sarah Karpanty with the Department of Fish and…

+6 More
From  Lee Friesland 2 likes 198 plays

Zoo CREW learns from Virginia Tech wildlife experts

Faculty members and students from the Department…

+9 More
From  J. Scott Parker 0 likes 292 plays

Helping others, while pursuing a dream

Chanz Hopkins, a fish conservation major in…

From  Megan Zalecki 0 likes 111 plays