In 2016, a safari adventure among family and friends led to a group of Virginia Tech faculty, students, and alumni starting a nonprofit organization to build a school in Tanzania. Today, the Maasai…
From Amazon packaging rules and the growth of e-commerce, Virginia Tech is working with industry partners to optimize the future of package distribution. Tech on Tap featured expert Laszlo Horvath,…
All signs are pointing to a vibrant season of autumn color this year, thanks to plenty of summer and early fall rain, according to Virginia Tech tree physiology expert John Seiler. Professor Seiler…
Faculty members and students from the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation lead an immersive learning experience for the Zoo CREW, a group of high school students who volunteer at the…
Chanz Hopkins, a fish conservation major in Virginia Tech’s College of
Natural Resources and Environment, has reinvented himself and will
graduate this year, 17 years after graduating from…
Natural Resources and Environment
Sophomore Dylan Willard conducted research — and co-authored a published paper — on the potential for recycling wooden skateboard decks.
Natural Resources and Environment Department