Search for tag: "nutrition"

Hokie Talks 10-16-2021 final

Hokie Talks 10-16-2021

From  Jerrad Miers 0 likes 24 plays

CALS 2021 Outstanding Senior Caitlin Bowman

Hands-on experience is how Caitlin Bowman defines her time at Virginia Tech and in the Department Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise. It also helped in the drive that led her to become this…

From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 261 plays

Government and private third-party quality labels

The eleventh in a series of 20 webinars in the Virginia Sustainable Farms and Agribusiness Education Initiative. Presented by Dr. John Bovay, Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Applied…

From  John Bovay 0 likes 20 plays

Meraki: Where family is made

Students from the Meraki living learning community talk about how Meraki is a place that fosters community and builds a family.

From  Timothy Brinton Skiles 0 likes 274 plays

Rethinking consumption habits to reduce food waste

Susan Chen, a second year Ph.D. student in the department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, studies food waste in hopes of finding ways to eliminate the negative environmental and economic…

From  Ryan Young 0 likes 102 plays

Feline Obesity Study

"Fat cats" and their owners participated in a study conducted by veterinarians at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech. Because implementing weight-loss…

From  Juliet Crichton 0 likes 850 plays

This is who you are. This is who we are. #VTCALS

We dig deeper, seek higher, reach farther than ever before ... not because we can, but because we must. We are the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

From  Juliet Crichton 1 likes 1,043 plays

Anatomage Table gives students a detailed view of physiology

This new visual dissection table will allow students in the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise to achieve advanced knowledge of anatomy. This will make them more successful in their…

From  J. Scott Parker 1 likes 262 plays