Search for tag: "biomedical engineering and mechanics"

Landmark $50 million gift to dramatically expand health sciences research at Virginia Tech

The Richmond, Virginia-based Red Gates Foundation…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 319 plays

Fundamental understanding of a molecule‘s normal function could inform treatments for a variety of brain disorders

A team of investigators in John Chappell’s…

From  Clayton Metz 0 likes 240 plays

Zerin Khan, Developing Treatment for Glioblastoma

As a part of the Laboratory of Integrative Tumor…

From  Spencer Roberts 0 likes 367 plays

The Virginia Tech SBES program is preparing graduate students for an ever-changing medical industry

The Virginia Tech – Wake Forest University…

From  Spencer Roberts 0 likes 132 plays

Biomedical Engineering majors are impacting the health of the world

Virginia Tech Biomedical Engineers are committed…

From  Spencer Roberts 0 likes 81 plays

BME major Julia Wakefield found her passion through service and helping others.

Julia Wakefield, a Biomedical Engineering major…

From  Spencer Roberts 0 likes 296 plays

Jess Gannon: Diving further into pancreatic cancer research

As a recipient of the Clare Boothe Luce…

From  Donna Meese 0 likes 126 plays

Virginia Tech Helmet Lab director on flag football helmet ratings

Steve Rowson, the director of the Virginia Tech…

From  Lee Friesland 1 likes 273 plays

Congratulations, College of Engineering class of 2019

Welcome to the Hokie alumni family.

From  Erica Corder 0 likes 313 plays

Senior design team steps up to NASA Student Launch Initiative

A group of seniors in Virginia Tech's…

From  Donna Meese 0 likes 175 plays

Testapalooza: Breaking stuff to make the grade

Not all finals are a drag, Hokies! During…

From  Donna Meese 0 likes 201 plays

Nora Hlavac '18 combines a passion for teaching and research

Mentorship. Community. Opportunity. These are the…

From  Donna Meese 0 likes 90 plays

Researchers look for link between head injury and epilepsy

Virginia Tech’s School of Neuroscience is…

From  Dawn Jefferies 0 likes 395 plays

What is Virginia Tech's Fog Harp?

The fog harp received international attention…

+8 More
From  Donna Meese 0 likes 739 plays

Dance used to visualize complex acoustic phenomena

Virginia Tech engineers are teaming up with a…

From  Donna Meese 0 likes 151 plays

‘You are good enough’

This summer Michele Waters became Virginia…

From  Raymond Meese 0 likes 295 plays